Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Insult To Injury

Cape Counseling Services has stated these accusations are unfounded. Yet in the same breath Cape Counseling Services has stated that the company is doing everything possible to facilitate and cooperate with investigators. Our question is: How can Cape Counseling Services declare the accusations are unfounded without the findings of the current investigation?

This also raises other questions. When is the last time the CEOs of Cape Counseling Services set foot inside Rainbow Of Hope? When is the last time the CEOs of Cape Counseling Services interviewed the children-residents of Rainbow Of Hope? A fact worthy of examination is that Rainbow Of Hope has existed as some sort of self-governing satellite post of Cape Counseling Services. There has not been an appropriate level of supervisory attention given to this program.

Most of us agree that Cape Counseling Services is a professional agency that performs a lot of good for the community. Many of us have relatives who received services from other divisions of this agency. These are not complaints against Cape Counseling Services as a whole. These are specific problems with Rainbow Of Hope and its managers and staff.

The State of New Jersey has the power to remove children from their homes and parents when it finds an "unsafe environment" exists at home for the child. In other words, a child can be removed from his or her parents for lack of proper parental supervision. What kind of sense does it make to put this child into another environment where those supervising them are witnessed sleeping on the job, surfing the internet in closed offices, texting and talking on cell phones, and walking out of the building to hang out with friends?

Please don't insult us by referring to these problems as "unfounded". We've personally witnessed it. We tried to correct these problems through appropriate channels and were ignored by Kevin Cook and Lisa Polite. They essentially called us liars by refusing to take our claims seriously. And they also refused to take the claims of honest staff and children-residents serious when they complained. Now Rainbow Of Hope is in the middle of a State investigation and you flat-out tell us the complaints are "unfounded"? That's what Cook and Polite said too. No problem though... this time we'll wait and see what the State of New Jersey has to say. Please don't insult us with canned rhetoric.

New From Inside Rainbow Of Hope

Sources tell us that certain children-residents are still receiving preferential treatment while those courageous enough to challenge the bad behavior of staff are being treated unfairly.

We have new information regarding a female counselor with the initials K.T. Apparently this counselor is fond of triangulating the children-residents against each other and outright blaming the children-residents for her poor choices and bad behavior. Fortunately we have a written affidavit to support this.

It's truly sad that "counselors", most of them little more than mere children themselves, are given the ability and power to abuse their positions and authority without reprimands from management. We question how these "counselors" can possibly know what's best for our children, especially when they have little or no practical experience in dealing with children. Experience and training are the keys to a successful outcome. Not the wanton abuse of power.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

May 23rd Meeting

Today, concerned parents, former residents of Rainbow Of Hope and former staff members met at a law firm in Northfield, New Jersey. The outcome of the meeting was a unanimous decision to pursue civil charges against Rainbow Of Hope and to pursue potential criminal charges against its management and staff. Documented violations of the State Requirements for Child Care Facilities lend credence to the civil suit.

HIPAA violations committed by staff infringe on Federal statutes. Especially the May 18 post that reads:

"KIRA KIRA KIRA 1st i didnt know what was going on when u got signed out, i was in shock, but second u should of stayed didnt you try to kill yourself recentally,, not sure but i know for a fact your father triedto admit you to Bridgeton,,so what does that go to show you, your sick and you need help.... WHats up with you laying in the tub with RICE thats weird, HUH"

Investigations are being conducted into the theory that two separate people have posted blog entries under the "Worm2908" user name. It's suspected that one of these people have publicly entered into conversations about Bridgeton Hospital staff and other secure matters. It's also known that this particular person in question has spoken about Rainbow Of Hope children-residents and disclosed the health problems of these children-residents to patients and staff at Bridgeton Hospital. We have testimony to support this.

Investigators will also pursue other matters of a potential criminal nature. These infractions will be revealed at a later date.

Furthermore, there's a matter of Misallocation of Funds found in the fact that a former child-resident has not received wages due from Rainbow Of Hope. The same infraction exists within a scene wherein two staff members were scheduled to attent a paid in-service. However, in their stead, a manager and his spouse attended the training. Cape Counseling Services may have worked some magical accounting but this doesn't negate that the manager and spouse attended this event under the names of the original two staff members scheduled to attend.

In addition to these problems we have a serious breach of personal privacy issues in that the personal and private telephone numbers of Rainbow Of Hope staff members were conspicuously displayed in an area that the children-residents had access to.

Another parent has admitted to hearing counselor Wayne Wilson angrily state to a child-resident that he would "Tie him up and bust him in his face."

A final problem added to the slew of other infractions mentioned throughout this blog is the case of a particular child-resident who was accused of stealing by Rainbow Of Hope staff. This child-resident was not only accused, but treated unjustly and received elements of undue stress at the hands of staff. It was later confirmed that the items in this child's possession were not stolen at all, but were purchased for the child by the child's parent. An act of theft can only occur if the children-residents are not being supervised. To accuse this child at all means staff was not providing proper supervision.

And let us address a few random thoughts... No, this blog isn't an attempt to turn parents and kids against Rainbow Of Hope staff and management. No, this isn't the work of disgruntled employees or dissatisfied parents. This is the work of a collective voice seeking to call attention to neglect and abuse at Rainbow Of Hope. This is a combined effort to clean that place up.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

More Allegations Surface Against Rainbow Of Hope

We've recently received signed statements from parents and former children-residents that detail more allegations against Rainbow Of Hope. These statements have been forwarded to State investigators and will also be forwarded to authorities and attorneys.

What's most disturbing is that many of these allegations echo with a similar theme. Sadly, many of the statements reinforce the fact that these horrendous infractions were brought to the attention of Kevin Cook and Lisa Polite by children-residents and parents alike. The echoed theme is that Kevin Cook and Lisa Polite disbelieved the complaints and never followed up on them. It seems evident that the voices of our children have been ignored by Cook and Polite. It also seems evident that our voices have been ignored. We now use this collective voice to call attention to what Cook and Polite refuse to acknowledge.

The following is a general overview of some of the complaints made in signed statements. The following does not contain all of the complaints. Names have been omitted for the time being so as not to impede the current investigations.

* Staff would hand out our medication to us in the morning. I can only declare definitely for myself, but X seemed to have a lot of trouble with my medication dosages. He would give me the wrong medication, too much of the medication, not enough of a certain medication, and refused to listen to me when I tried to correct him. Though I was a mere consumer, I had my personal medication memorized to a ‘t’ and would refuse the medication until he would re-check it. Sometimes, I even got into trouble for this, when I was undeniably trying to keep my health well.

* X and X were constantly seen on the computer and on their cell-phones, talking, going on face-book and myspace, texting, et cetera. They were neglecting their jobs and trying to spend personal time while at work. I also remember X arguing from when she picked us up from school to when her shift ended, on her cell-phone. She had no problem telling us of her personal issues with her ex-boyfriend, and how he was upset about an old picture being up on her blog. She used the facility line to argue with him, and even threatened police, obviously too occupied to do her job, as she left her peers/staff members to do her job for her.

* A lot of the kids in the group home, at least while I attended, including me were of low self-esteem and suffered from depression. The facility was made for practically just that, and a lot of us suffered from minor paranoia in being constantly worried about people whispering. We, as defendants, had to be constantly on-guard to reclaim the proper truth and respect we deserved. Staff members X, Y, and Z all had a ‘thing’ for whispering, meaning, they did it a lot. Sometimes they’d hide their face behind a folder, or point and mouth words. We, as the consumers of Rainbow, would respectfully tell them that this made us uncomfortable, and they refused to listen, even when Lisa Polite addressed the issue. Nothing was ever reinforced.

* X, a staff member at ‘ROH’ was constantly the one to wake us girls up during the week. He was always claiming to be taking the ‘girls’ and favoring us for plainly being females. It was all a joke until he started coming up to me, whispering my name and touching my back. Then I confronted other girls in the home about it, asking if they had experienced similar things with him, and they had claimed to have been ‘smacked in the ass’ by X. I didn’t believe it until I saw it, and when we claimed these things were true to authorities at the home, they refused to believe it themselves, and never did anything about it.

* A lot of kids at the group home argued within each other about ‘who was who’s boyfriend or girlfriend.’ Investigators have even come numerous times because reported sexual harassment has taken place. As an observer, I took in a lot of information from my peers, and got to see everything from all angles. Kids were constantly kissing, ‘making out,’ and performing other inappropriate sexual foreplay.

* My child told me he was constantly yelled and cursed at by staff. I talked to the manager about this and he denied it. He passed it off like it was impossible for this to happen in his facility. I even felt silly for bringing it up. Then one day while returning my son from a home visit I heard X yelling at a kid to "knock that shit off right now". It happens in there all the time, I'm sure. But management is comfortable pretending it doesn't.

The first complaint listed above is very serious. Parents sign a form that consents to allowing non-licensed Rainbow Of Hope staff to administer medication. However, according to the Nurse Practice Act, non-licensed staff may only administer medication under the delegation of a Nurse. There's a technical violation being committed here as there is currently no full time Nurse at the Rainbow Of Hope facility. Do we truly want non-licensed staff giving our children medications when there's no Nurse there to oversee this? Especially when some staff obviously can't seem to get the dosages right??

The other complaints speak for themselves. But we're left to wonder WHY Kevin Cook and Lisa Polite failed to take reasonable action to correct these problems when they were initially reported. Is it simply a matter of not believing our kids? Do you think of them as "troubled" and therefore dismiss their complaints as not being valid? Do you think that our complaints as parents aren't valid because we're not there 24/7 to witness all this horrendous stuff? Do you think your staff members who complain are troublemakers and just show them the door? Cook and Polite were given reasonable and numerous opportunities to correct these matters. They did nothing. Now we're doing something. The children need to be safe and protected and we don't feel these conditions exist under the current management of Rainbow Of Hope.

Concerns About Rainbow Of Hope Staff

Putting our children into the mental health care system means placing a lot of blind faith in people we don't know. A lot has been said about the unprofessional conduct of counselors Bridget Perez and Wayne Wilson, but there are at least three other counselors who have been formally named in our affidavits and on documents submitted to attorneys and investigators. These three counselors, all females, will be examined for unprofessional conduct in the workplace. These counselors not only helped facilitate some of the major infractions mentioned elsewhere on this blog, but have also provided an inconsistent relationship between fellow staff members, children-residents, parents and management. They have also turned a blind eye and deaf ear to the valid complaints of the children-residents they supposedly care for, thus lending complicity to the deplorable state of affairs within Rainbow Of Hope.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

A Disturbing Note To Parents From A Rainbow Of Hope Counselor

Recently we've seen posts made by a contributor called "worm2908". The IP address of this post is being linked to a Rainbow Of Hope counselor. Here is one of the submissions this counselor made to the parents of the children-residents of Rainbow Of Hope:

worm2908 said...

IF parents are reporting that im shouting at their kids then take the crazy asses home...YA some dumb bitches you cant deal with them so you drop them off to a facility that is to help them, maybe yall need help cant raise ya kids,,,,HA HA HA.... I worked with mentally challenge people all my life never onced had a complaint about my profermance

And here are others, the first of which was removed by the author in a cowardly fashion:

worm2908 said...
This post has been removed by the author.
worm2908 said...

why do you have so much hate... just deal with you beiing fired thats all, did you put on here why u was fired.... I'll tell it u got fired for having a child head on your lap during a outting X,,,,sounds like to me MEGANS LAW TO ME

The problem with this post is that it mentions an individual's name and associates it with an unsubstantiated claim. Furthermore, the accusation made is libelous and slanderous. It maligns the individual named. There is no evidence whatsoever to support this allegation. This allegation is the product of people seeking to harass, malign and tarnish the reputation of the individual named.

Another problem that surfaces from the above post is that this seems to come from a source familiar with the Rainbow Of Hope rumor mill. We can and will identify the author of this post and this individual will be held accountable by law. If what is posted by "worm2908" is true - simply produce your physical evidence of this claim. We openly challenge you to do so. We know that you can't because what is alleged never happened. We'll see who benefits from this insane claim down the road.

Another problem is that we have documented evidence that the children-residents of Rainbow Of Hope were lied to by management and staff about the reason this particular employee was terminated. On one hand we have the cleverness of management telling the children-residents "he left to pursue other options and it was his time to move on". On the other hand, we have this horrible rumor circulating. The main problem here is that you can't make public accusations without facts to support them. Hearsay will not be admissible in court when the author is called upon to account for this post. And it will happen. We know who you are.

Why will it happen? Let's examine the law...

What is "defamation"?

Defamation or "defamation of character" is spoken or written words that falsely and negatively reflect on a living person's reputation.

If a person says or writes something about you that harms your reputation, or that keeps people from associating with you, defamation has occurred. Slander is oral defamation, and libel is written defamation.

For any parent or former employee currently being defamed by Rainbow Of Hope, please utilize the resources here.

We contacted the above former counselor for his comments. He stated the following in an email:

"In my opinion there's no remote semblance of professional management at Rainbow Of Hope. The figureheads there have allowed its staff to turn the place into a grade school style recess yard. I'm not concerned about the comments made against me as the statements are nothing more than malicious lies. I've opted to have attorneys and investigative agencies field these lies. Rainbow Of Hope has a reputation of treating some employees unfairly. Usually the victims of this workplace bullying are young people who don't know that they're protected by legal rights. And as for "worm2908", how ironic is it that this counselor denies cussing at the kids when he or she chooses to use the words "crazy asses" and "ya some dumb bitches"? I think this person just shot themselves in the foot with a blatant self admission. Maybe there haven't been complaints about this person in the past but after this, there needs to be."

And in the event worm2908 cowardly chooses to delete this incredibly damaging post, we have preserved it with a documented screenshot.

View The Screenshot By Clicking Here

We also have another contribution on the About.Com website from worm2908 containing more defamation:

Posted: May 14 09 12:57 AM

NFL FAKE ASS RECRUIT AKA, used to be a cop(snitch) MCCAIN ASS you can suck my dick, pappsmear isnt your husband under investagation for sexually touching women during their doctor visit, at least thats what paul said....and to the parents that have nerve to put roh down rember this,,,we take care of your kids for the time they are there, not your sorry assses........HA !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Edited May-14 by worm2908
Edited May-14 by worm2908

Such horrendous public language from a Cape Counseling Services employee. Doesn't this individual recognize that their words also reflect upon the quality of people Cape Counseling Services and Rainbow Of Hope hires?

Why the direct and personal attack by mocking and brutalizing someone's individual surname? Why the horrendous false accusations about someone's husband? Why the caveat that "someone else" said this? This tissue of lies is a disgusting attempt to deflect personal culpability for sleeping, texting, talking on a cell phone and surfing the internet in which the children-residents of Rainbow Of Hope were neglected. But by all means, continue to post "Worm"! We're enjoying the opportunity to see your true personality!

Fortunately, About.Com records IP addresses of those who post on their website. And from the disgusting and offensive sexual wording used, we can assume the person who posted this is a male. That's right... a male counselor entrusted with the responsibility of looking after emotionally fragile children at Rainbow Of Hope. A counselor who denies swearing at the children but who obviously can't control his emotions. A counselor who by his own admission uses foul language in public forums and who disgraces Rainbow Of Hope and Cape Counseling Services by demonstrating an outwardly hostile attitude. A counselor who has no conscience about defaming professional people with malicious lies. A counselor who attempts to pit people against each other to cause dissension. Then again... isn't this the very foundation of the complaints against these counselors? Isn't this what one is trying to deny through his use of foul language, threats, defamation and disgusting sexual innuendos? We'd say the proof is in the text of his posts. Judge for yourself.

And in the event "Worm2908" attempts to delete this post, we have also documented a copy for our attorneys and other investigators.

The public may view the screenshot by clicking here

Last but not least we have this disturbing post by "Worm2908" that directly addresses another blog poster with familiarity:

worm2908 said...

KIRA KIRA KIRA 1st i didnt know what was going on when u got signed out, i was in shock, but second u should of stayed didnt you try to kill yourself recentally,, not sure but i know for a fact your father triedto admit you to Bridgeton,,so what does that go to show you, your sick and you need help.... WHats up with you laying in the tub with RICE thats weird, HUH

Let's examine the date and time of this post. Enough said. However, the text in this post publicizes individually identifiable health information, especially with the open reference to Bridgeton Hospital. The exact quote, "...i know for a fact your father triedto (sic) admit you to Bridgeton," is a direct violation of HIPAA standards. Especially since the demeanor of this post contains elements of malicious harm. What does this mean exactly? See below and visit the American Medical Association's website by clicking here for more information.

Criminal Penalties

In June 2005, the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) clarified who can be held criminally liable under HIPAA. Covered entities and specified individuals, as explained below, whom "knowingly" obtain or disclose individually identifiable health information in violation of the Administrative Simplification Regulations face a fine of up to $50,000, as well as imprisonment up to one year. Offenses committed under false pretenses allow penalties to be increased to a $100,000 fine, with up to five years in prison. Finally, offenses committed with the intent to sell, transfer, or use individually identifiable health information for commercial advantage, personal gain or malicious harm permit fines of $250,000, and imprisonment for up to ten years.

Click here for the documented screenshot for public review:

Signed And Sworn Affidavit Against Rainbow Of Hope

Sworn Affidavit Against Rainbow Of Hope

In an earlier post we discussed an incident wherein 2 Rainbow Of Hope children-residents were left unsupervised by staff at the Hamilton Mall. This event was inadvertently witnessed by an individual who is familiar with the Rainbow Of Hope program. This witness explained the significance of the lack of staff supervision to the store manager who also witnessed this and who was kind enough to provide us with a signed and sworn affidavit. The affidavit also includes the signature of a secondary store employee who witnessed this. The body of the affidavit is as follows:

"To Whom It May Concern:

On the evening of Wednesday, April 29th, between 5:00 PM and 5:30 PM, two residents from "Rainbow Of Hope" entered "The Children's Place" clothing store alone and without their counselor. When asked what they were doing at the mall, one stated, "We are here for 'Build-A-Bear'. The "Build-A-Bear Workshop" is on the 1st level of "Hamilton Mall" near the elevator. "The Children's Place" is on the 2nd level of "Hamilton Mall" near "Macy's". The resident-children from "Rainbow Of Hope" made a purchase totaling exactly $12.00. After the resident-children from "Rainbow Of Hope" left they later returned with their counselor. A lady about 5'3" to 5'5", dark curly hair, shoulder length, acne on her right cheek. She was wearing a blue t-shirt.

Signed XX ASM, TCP and XX TCP

A copy of this signed and sworn affidavit is available for review by the New Jersey State Department of Institutional Abuse. A copy of this signed and sworn affidavit will also be submitted to other agencies and legal representatives.

It's a sad day when neglect occurs within the group home itself. What's even more disturbing is when this neglect takes place in the community as well. People are witnessing it and they are acting upon it. This means that these matters are no longer an internal matter for Rainbow Of Hope management. It is now a public concern.

Monday, May 18, 2009

More From The Legal Side

A hostile work environment is primarily a legal term used to describe a workplace situation where an employee cannot reasonably perform his work, due to certain behaviors by management or co-workers that are deemed hostile. Hostility in this form is not only a boss being rude, yelling, or annoying. It is very specific, especially in the legal setting when one is suing an employer or either wrongful termination or for creating an environment that causes severe stress to the employee.

There’s just a handful of ways in which you can define a hostile work environment. Any act of sexual harassment on the part of bosses or co-workers can be viewed as hostile. Any act or remarks that are overtly discriminatory regarding age, race, gender, sexual orientation, or disability are also considered to create a hostile work environment.

The other way a hostile work environment may be defined is when a boss or manager begins to engage in a manner designed to make you quit in retaliation for your actions. Suppose you report safety violations at work, get injured at work, attempt to join a union, complain to upper level management about a problem at work, or act as a whistle blower in any respect. Then, the company’s response is to do all manner of things to make you quit, like writing you up for work rules you didn’t break, reducing your hours, scheduling you for hours that are in total conflict with what you can do, or reducing your salary. The company’s reaction can be viewed as creating a hostile work environment, one that makes it impossible to work and is an attempt to make you quit so that the employer does not have to pay unemployment benefits.

When an employer is trying to make you quit by creating a hostile work environment, if you can hold onto your job, do so. It’s then important to make complaints about this employer either to upper level management or to government agencies that help people with discrimination or poor treatment in the workforce. These agencies can vary from city to city and from state to state. A good place to start is the federal US Department of Labor.

There is also a documented history of payroll errors against former and current Rainbow Of Hope employees. While some employees work 4 days of 10 hour shifts, time off for holiday pay is paid to these employees for 8 hour shifts.

For those seeking "mysteriously disappearing vacation time" hidden under a blotch of White-Out and for those seeking what they're rightfully owed for hours worked and earned, this link will provide you with the necessary department to file your complaint: New Jersey Department Of Wage And Hour.

Wage & Hour Vs. Rainbow Of Hope

It has come to our attention that 4 former employees of Rainbow Of Hope were not paid for their accrued vacation time. In fact, 3 of the 4 received their final paychecks with an unprofessional blotch of White-Out covering the earned vacation time. First, an employer may not alter a pay stub in any such way.

Secondly, what obligation does an employer have to pay a terminating employee for accrued but unused vacation time? In New Jersey, according to the Fox Rothschild Employment Law Firm, under Botany Mills v. Textile Workers, an old and infrequently cited court decision, the answer is "all of it," - no buts about it.

It's our sincere hope that Cape Counseling Services will amend this "possible oversight" before this matter goes before a public court.

A Closer Look At The State Requirements

Though consultants are still reviewing the State Manual Of Requirements For Child Care Facilities, here are a few points under current consideration:

Subchapter 2. Approval Procedures
10.127-2.3 Denying, suspending, revoking or refusing to renew a certificate of approval.

A certificate of approval for a Child Care Facility may be denied, suspended or revoked if the facility... "is in violation of serious or imminent hazard to ...the treatment needs of the children...".

In this case, one of the items we can apply as a violation of the "treatment needs of the children" is a documented case where Rainbow Of Hope discharged a child-resident and made no effort to supply psychiatric medications for this child for the period of time wherein this particular subject needed to be placed under the care of another psychiatrist. By law, Rainbow Of Hope is obligated to oversee the care and treatment of this child until other arrangements for care are established.

Under the same heading, Article #6 is of interest:

A certificate for a Child Care Facility may be denied, suspended or revoked for...

"...any activity, policy, or staff conduct that adversely affects or is deemed by the Bureau to be detrimental to the education, health, safety, well-being or treatment needs of children or that otherwise demonstrates unfitness by the director or staff members of the facility to operate a residential facility:

(Including) Failure by the director to secure and maintain on file documentation from the Department showing compliance with criminal conviction disclosures, as specified in N.J. A.C. 10:127-5.1(b1), Criminal History Record Information background checks, as specified in N.J.A.C. 10:127-5.6. or Child Abuse Record Information background checks, as specified in N.J.A.C. 10:127-5.7."

And in light of staff criminal records at Rainbow Of Hope:

Article #12:

A Child Care Facility may have its certificate of approval suspended or revoked for...

"...Refusal by the director to terminate the employment of a staff member convicted of a crime or offense requiring disqualification , as specified in N.J.A.C. 10:127-5.6(e)"

Now lets bounce over to another section...

10:127-3.2 Rights Of Children

We've mentioned the "Consumers Bill Of Rights" in a previous post. What we learned today is that these rights aren't conceived arbitrarily by the facility, these rights are enforced by the State of New Jersey via provision N.J.S.A. 9:6B-1. Therefore, any violation of these rights by a facility or its management or staff constitutes a violation of State policy. The Requirements set forth:

  1. Receive Prompt Medical Treatment - though this right must be in serious jeopardy without a full time nurse at the Rainbow Of Hope facility.
  2. Have access to an appropriate education. This is interesting in that Rainbow Of Hope management takes it upon themselves to act as censors in regards to what educational library materials the children-residents may or may not have. The banning of books and materials is a fascist practice, not one found in a professional residential care facility.
  3. Live in a safe, clean and healthy environment.
  4. Be free of physical or sexual harassment or abuse and corporal punishment; - There are numerous documented cases of abuse and neglect currently before several agencies. We have learned to not rely on just one investigative agency and have therefore pursued these complaints with multiple agencies.
  5. Attend religious services of their choice (However this has been denied due to "budget and staffing issues"); and,
  6. Have unimpeded communication with the Division and other professional persons or agencies. - Current Rainbow Of Hope staff members have reported to us that children-residents have asked to call their DYFS workers after hours and were told by other staff, "No! Wait until morning. You had all day to do this. Go to bed!"

Under Article 10:127-3.3, Information To Parents and Staff Members, #5 has spawned a formal complaint against Rainbow Of Hope.

#5 states: Afford parents the opportunity and time to review and discuss with the facility director any questions or concerns about policies, requirements, provisions, or alleged violations of the manual.

The question here is "how much opportunity and time" must pass without return calls from Kevin Cook and Lisa Polite before neglect ensues? Several complainants have obtained copies of their telephone records from Verizon, Comcast & Sprint to verify a plethora of outgoing telephone calls to the Rainbow Of Hope facility and very few being returned. None of which were returned in a timely manner.

This section also details the requirements for an Intake to the facility. A document that the facility MUST POSSESS before admitting a child is a Certificate Of Needs. Through interviews with hospital staff, we were able to ascertain and document that Kevin Cook performed an intake WITHOUT having the necessary Certificate Of Needs.

Article 10:127-3.7 Reporting Requirements

"(a) The director or any staff member shall notify verbally the Office of Child Abuse Control or District Office immediately whenever there is reasonable cause to believe that a child has been or is being abused or neglected by staff members, children or any other person, as required by the New Jersey Child Abuse and Neglect Law, N.J.S.A. 9:6-8.9 , 8.10, 8.13 and 8.14. Copies of the law and information about it are available from the Division, upon request."

Numerous staff members documented their complaints to Lisa Polite and Kevin Cook regarding their coworkers neglecting the children by sleeping, texting, leaving the site, and surfing the internet. These multiple complaints generate reasonable cause. Why didn't Kevin Cook or Lisa Polite report these complaints to the Office of Child Abuse Control as required in the above policy? Why did Kevin Cook decide to handle these matters internally when a specific provision dictates other action? A formal review will determine the answer to this soon enough.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

New Jersey State Manual Of Requirements For Child Care Facilities

The following link will take you to a PDF file of the New Jersey State Manual Of Requirements For Child Care Facilities. If you take the time to read this file (as we did), you'll find that Rainbow Of Hope is in violation of many of these regulations. We'll be happy to point them out in a subsequent post.

Read the file by clicking here.

We'll now examine a recent revelation from inside Rainbow Of Hope. Concerning telephone/communication restrictions placed upon the children-residents by Rainbow Of Hope management, we see an obvious and blatant violation of requirements.

In an earlier post we illustrated the numerous contradictions found in the Rainbow Of Hope telephone policy for its children-residents. Yesterday a source from within Rainbow Of Hope informed us that certain children-residents are prohibited by Kevin Cook and Lisa Polite to receive telephone calls from certain individuals. According to the requirements:

"Residential Child Care facilities may only prohibit, restrict or monitor incoming and outgoing telephone calls placed and received by its consumer population wherein a court order states such provisions are mandatory. A Residential Child Care facility may prohibit, restrict or monitor telephone calls placed and received by its consumer population provided the Residential Child Care facility has applied for and has been granted a court order. A Residential Child Care facility may not arbitrarily prohibit, restrict or monitor incoming and outgoing telephone calls placed and received by its consumer population otherwise."

So it would seem Rainbow Of Hope has seemingly thumbed its nose at this and is following the whims of its management.

Other News

Our inside source informs us that counselor Wayne Wilson has been directly asking the children-residents about what they have been saying to the State investigators. If there isn't a problem, no one should be worried about what the children-residents might be saying...

Friday, May 15, 2009

Documentation Obtained

We're pleased to announce that just this week we were able to obtain a wealth of documentation from inside Rainbow Of Hope. Many of these documents are critical to our cause in that we can now prepare to show that some of the actions of Rainbow Of Hope management and staff directly conflict with written in-house and agency policies.

Some of the documents we've obtained include:

  • Crisis Plans
  • Outlines For Therapy
  • The Administrative & Clinical Manual
  • Numerous in-house Memorandums (including a 12-22-08 "Incident Report - Write Up") that has spawned the interest of the New Jersey Board of Labor and outside consultants.
  • Numerous interoffice Memorandums issued by Kevin Cook and Lisa Polite. Copies are being turned over to the New Jersey Board of Labor and outside consultants.
  • The Rainbow Of Hope/Cape Counseling Services Employee Handbook.
  • The Rainbow Of Hope Consumer Handbook.
The above mentioned documents are items of interest to attorneys and various agencies supporting us. The remainder of the documentation in our possession has not yet been reviewed for its significance. We will continue to disclose the documentation once each piece is deemed pertinent to our case.

Let's begin for now by examining these little gems from the Consumer Handbook. Here's the verbatim text from pages 29 and 30. Have any other parents experienced contradictions with the below information?? We'll illustrate them for you in bold text.


Rainbow of Hope is licensed by the Division of Mental Health Services and must comply with all applicable provisions in the regulations set forth by the Division. A current copy of the appropriate chapter must be available at all times for review by parent/legal guardian of the consumer youth as well as any department reports reviewing program compliance with this chapter. In order to receive a copy of this chapter please contact: The Office of Children's Services, Division of Mental Health Services, CN 727, Trenton, New Jersey 08625-0727.

* It's time we demand to see this.

Parent(s)Legal Guardian(s) have the right to discuss any questions or concerns about policies, requirements, provisions or alleged violations with the Program Manager.

* Numerous attempts to do so have resulted in telephone calls that are never returned by Kevin Cook or Lisa Polite.

If the parent/guardian believe or suspect that the group home is in violation of any provision of this chapter, they may report such alleged violations to the Division of Mental Health Services and also to the Division of Youth and Family Services.

* And such is the only recourse.

Upon request, the parent/guardian may review any Inspection Violation and Complaint Reports on the group home as well as any letters of enforcement or other actions taken against the group home during the previous two (2) years.

* We have exercised this right.

A copy of the Consumer's Behavior Management Policy, Search and Seizure Policy, Visitation Policy, Communication Policy, Grievance Procedure and a description of the religious practices, including a statement that the consumer has the right to practice his/her religion is included in the Parent/Guardian Handbook.

* We will examine the "Search and Seizure" policy later here as it includes police-state style "pat-downs" of our children as carried out by staff in front of two parents. However, we will examine the specific conditions under which such a frisk search can be conducted. We will also discuss the statement that the consumer has the right to practice his/her religion. We understand that the children-residents are denied this right as "there's no room in the Rainbow budget to put an extra staff member on the schedule to take the kids to church."

If for any reason a parent/guardian or any person has reasonable cause to believe that a consumer residing in the group home has been or is being subjected to any form of hitting, corporal punishment, abusive language, ridicule or harsh humiliating or frightening treatment, or any other kind of child abuse, neglect or exploitation by any person whether working at the group home or not, is required by state law to report such allegations tot (sic) he (sic) DYFS office of Child Abuse Control TOLL FREE at -1-800-792-8610 or any local DYFS district office immediately. You may secure information about the prevention and reporting of child abuse and neglect by contacting your local DYFS district office; would be happy to provide you with the number.

* Abusive language - we have documentation and testimony from witnesses that the Rainbow Of Hope staff has used abusive language towards the children-residents.

* Ridicule - we have documentation and testimony from witnesses that the Rainbow Of Hope staff have called the children-residents "babies" when our kids are in crisis.

* Humiliating Treatment - When a child-resident receives a "Blizzard" he is made to perform "Community Service". "Community Service" is a task judges impose on criminals. How is this supposed to make our children feel? What's next at Rainbow Of Hope? Chain-gangs?

Must secure written permission for the youth's parent/guardian(s) before the youth may become involved in fundraising, publicity or audiovisual activities related to the group home or Agency.

* Audiovisual - The children signed no such statements authorizing the photographs taken of them during a recent in-house Fashion Show at Rainbow Of Hope. Although manager Kevin Cook strictly ordered that his staff and the parents DO NOT take photographs, he said nothing whatsoever as the agency psychiatrist snapped photo after photo of the children-residents.

A visitation schedule will be developed for parents(s)legal guardian(s) and youth in compliance with regulations set forth in this chapter.


(from page 30)

  1. Chore checks are earned based upon appropriate completion of assigned chores. Residents may earn increased allowances for completion of extra chores assigned by the staff.
  2. The amount of the chore check will vary depending on the Level earned by each Resident.
  3. If a resident refuses the chore he/she is assigned, another resident can do the chore and be paid for it. If a resident would like to do an extra chore he/she can but will be given extra points for doing so.
  4. All allowances are distributed unconditionally upon the completion of all chores every Friday evening. If staff permits, residents can utilize their Friday privileges.
  5. Deductions from resident's chore check shall only be for intentional damage done by that resident. This restitution payment shall never exceed fifty (50%) percent of a resident's weekly allowance.
  6. If a resident fails to complete the assigned chore on any given night the resident will:
  • Weekly allowances will be held in escrow until the resident resumes their chore.
The problem with the above policy is Item #4. How many times have parents picked up our children-residents on Friday evenings or on Saturdays only to learn the kids DID NOT receive their Friday chore check payments??

But this isn't as bad as another statement contained in Item #4. This policy clearly states:
"All allowances are distributed unconditionally..."

Then what on earth we ask, gives manager Kevin Cook the right to violate this policy by withholding the earned wages of one particular child? If there IS a reason then this policy should have been amended to reflect this decision PRIOR to it being enacted. This singles out one particular child-resident and is heinous.

This is just the beginning of our examination into the blatant violations of policies by Rainbow Of Hope management and staff.

Consumer Bill Of Rights

Rainbow Of Hope has published a "Bill Of Rights" for its children-residents. These entitlements are inherent rights for all children while residing at the group home facility.

Let's begin with #13. Has anyone actually read this?? It states: "As a resident of Rainbow Of Hope, you have the right to receive the highest degree of professional treatment without discrimination as to race, color, creed, religion, gender, national origin, age, disability, marital or veteran status, sexual orientation or any other legally protected status."

The above is very good. But veteran status?? I don't know about anyone else, but I'm personally grateful to all the 13 year old ex-Marines residing at Rainbow Of Hope! Perhaps Rainbow Of Hope should spend less time parroting blanket statements and curtail its policies to fit the appropriate requirements of the program.

Now let's examine #17 which is perhaps the most confusing.

This one states: As a resident of Rainbow Of Hope you have the right to receive uncensored mail and unmonitored telephone calls.

But so much for this inherent right - so much for the "Consumer Bill Of Rights" if a child-resident is suspended from school. Under this policy, just 10 pages later in the booklet it clearly states: "If you are suspended from school, the following goes into effect from the moment we receive the call informing us of the suspension:
  1. Absolutely no telephone calls made or received. Exceptions would be made to allow a call to a DYFS Case Worker. Staff discretion will apply to telephone calls to family.
So which is it here? "Absolutely no telephone calls made or received" like the policy states? Or is it: "Calls to DYFS Case Workers and staff discretion to allow calls to family" like the very next sentence states? Hmmm.... see where this gets contradictory?

Then again, how can telephone calls be denied at all when the very Consumer Bill Of Rights entitles child-residents to them? And who in God's name does Rainbow Of Hope Staff think they are in having the discretion to decide whether or not a child can call his or her parent? Our children should have unlimited access to us as parents 24/7.

Okay, with this in mind let's skip ahead a few pages in the Handbook to the Children Residential Services Protocol for Consumers.

Mail and Telephone Communication


The group home shall adhere to the following policies for the use of the telephone by consumers:

  1. The group home shall permit access to a telephone by the consumer for telephone conversations with the Division's Case Managers or other professional personnel involved in the consumer's treatment planning; and for which the consumer shall not be charged for the cost of telephone calls.
  2. The group home shall provide adequate privacy for these telephone calls and all other calls but may located (sic) the telephone in an area where a staff member can observe the consumer's reactions.
  3. The group home shall permit reasonable access to the telephone by the consumer for telephone conversations wit (sic) his/her parent/guardian. The group home may impose restrictions on these conversations if the following conditions exist:
A. The group home is complying with a court order in which limits the consumer's contact
with his/her parent/guardian. When the group home imposes restrictions on a
consumer's access to telephone conversations with his/her parent/guardian the group
home shall:

a. Explain the nature of any restrictions to the consumer, and
b. Document the rationale for imposing restrictions in the consumer's record.

4. The group home shall develop and maintain on file a written policy governing the use of the
telephone by consumers when they communicate with friends. The group home may
impose one or more of the following conditions:

A. Restricting the time and duration of the telephone call(s);
B. Requiring the consumer to pay for telephone calls with friends;
C. Denying the consumer use of the telephone for infractions(s) of house rules; and
D. Requesting the consumer to identify telephone callers.

5. Pagers/beepers are prohibited.

So again I ask... which is it? Is it the statement on page 2 of the Handbook in the Consumer Bill Of Rights that openly states: "As a Resident of Rainbow Of Hope you have the right to receive uncensored mail and unmonitored telephone calls"... or is it all these cute little hidden contradictory restrictions that can be imposed randomly, at will and at "staff discretion"??

The last entry for this post is a closer look at Rainbow Of Hope's Search And Seizure Protocol.

Up until we received this document we believed Rainbow Of Hope didn't possess the right to frisk-search our kids. However, it would seem that they do have the right. But... only under select conditions which were obviously NOT the case when Bridget Perez frisk-searched a child in front of two parents.

The protocol states: "The group home shall permit frisk searches (surface searches of outer clothing) of a consumer only where there is reasonable suspicion that the consumer is in possession of a weapon."

Did Ms. Perez believe this child-resident had a weapon? Did Ms. Perez document her suspicion in the daily Progress Note written for that child? We know and can prove there was no such note written in the child-resident's Progress Note of any such suspicion. And, if Ms. Perez believed this child-resident was concealing a weapon, why weren't managers notified?

The protocol also states: The group home shall ensure that any frisk search is conducted:
  1. In the present (sic) of two staff members; and
  2. Only by staff members of the same sex as the consumer. If same sex staff members are not available, staff members shall provide one-to-one supervision of the consumer until the search can be properly conducted.
Well, well... Wayne Wilson was working that day but Ms. Perez didn't call him to perform the search of a male child-resident. And there were not two staff members present when Ms. Perez put her hands on this male child-resident. Why didn't Ms. Perez provide "one-to-one supervision of the consumer until the search could be properly conducted"?

I suppose the real question here is, why didn't Ms. Perez follow proper protocol, document her suspicions that the child-resident was concealing a weapon and why didn't she report this to a manager?

Thursday, May 14, 2009

The Sad Truth About Some Group Homes

Recently the television show Good Morning America ran a featured investigative report about the deplorable goings-on at a group home in Texas. For anyone who missed this feature, please review the article and video by clicking here.

This goes to prove that though many of us wish to accept and believe that our children are safe in these residential facilities, heinous and deplorable acts by staff and management occur.

This feature is in no way associated with Rainbow Of Hope, nor is the allegation made that anything this severe has taken place at Rainbow Of Hope. However, it serves as evidence that the staff and management of similar facilities can initiate unsafe environments.

Good Morning America
has therefore been invited to review this blog. We hope that they will also review the information about Rainbow Of Hope based on their current level of interest and integrity at exposing the truth about such facilities.

After reviewing this video one must wonder what kind of scene unfolded the night Rainbow Of Hope staff was inattentive and therefore provided opportunity for one child-resident to choke another child-resident until he turned blue.

NJ State Governor's Office And Commissioner Of Human Services Notified

As of 1:46 PM on Thursday, May 14, formal complaints against Rainbow Of Hope have been lodged with the New Jersey State Governor's office and the New Jersey State Commissioner of Human Services.

Participants in this action are encouraged to speak with these offices to provide individual testimony:

  • NJ State Governor's office: 609-292-6000
  • NJ State Commissioner of Human Services: 609-292-8740 (also the State Attorney General's Office)
  • Woodbine, NJ's Mayor's Office: 609-861-2153
  • Department of Children's Behavioral Health Services: 609-292-4741
  • Institutional Abuse: 1-800-492-8320

State Of New Jersey To Invesitagte Rainbow Of Hope

We have been informed that the State of New Jersey's Department of Institutional Abuse has taken interest in reviewing our blog. We have also been in direct contact with the Department of Institutional Abuse to answer questions and inform them of the deplorable actions of staff and management at Rainbow Of Hope.

There are currently 9 individuals actively pursuing action against Rainbow Of Hope. Each of us have individually attempted to make Rainbow Of Hope management aware of the conditions that need corrective measures at the facility. Each of us have logged numerous complaints with management and have attempted to properly pursue corrective measures internally within the Rainbow Of Hope facility. However, managers Kevin Cook, Sam Totora and Lisa Polite have continually refused to acknowledge our complaints as legitimate concerns. Since we have received no response or action from Rainbow Of Hope management, we are now pursuing corrective measures with governing agencies. We are also attempting to gain an order to make Rainbow Of Hope's Unusual Incident Reports a matter of public record for review. We also plan to schedule a meeting with Cape Counseling Services CEOs and directors.

We have recently been informed that other agencies that have direct dealings with Rainbow Of Hope have also experienced lack of action when seeking corrective measures with the facility. Contacts at DHS confirm this.

Rainbow Of Hope lacks competent management. This manifests in an unsafe and unmonitored environment for the children. Management has been informed numerous times about the lack of supervision of its staff. This matter has now become a public concern with outside sources in shopping malls paying witness to this act. If it's happening outside the residential facility during community outings, it must certainly be acknowledged that it's happening within the facility itself. This is evident with the complaints of one child choking another, runaways, incidents of self harm, children being provided with an opportunity to barricade themselves in their bedrooms, locking themselves in the bathrooms, removing screens on windows and fleeing while the window alarm system was not armed, children climbing on the roof of the facility and children leaving property and standing in the middle of traffic.

Management and staff lacks proper training in the handling of medical emergencies. They are incapable of providing appropriate treatment. This is even more disturbing in light of Kevin Cook's policy of approving and authorizing calls made to 911. The following example is hereby cited:

A parent notified the former Rainbow Of Hope nurse that she received a call from her child-resident. During this phone call the child-resident admitted to the parent that the child felt unsafe and had suicidal ideations. The concerned parent telephoned the Rainbow Of Hope nurse and reported this. The Nurse, who was currently at the hospital providing appropriate care for a different child-resident, called the group home facility with instructions for staff to call 911 for the suicide threat. As the Nurse also held the role of Senior Medical Officer, staff did as she instructed and the child-resident was taken to the hospital for screening. No suicide attempt was made thanks to this appropriate intervention.

However, Kevin Cook admonished and chastized the Nurse for not informing him personally prior to making the call to 911. When a threat of suicide is made, time is of the essence. Moments lost telephoning management for "permission to call 911" is not only ridiculous and absurd, but could waste precious moments that could result in fatal injury.

How can the children be safe and properly cared for when they are overseen by facility managers who attempt to enforce policies that in fact jeopardize the security and personal well being of the child-residents? If your child threatened suicide, would you want a competent person to immediately call 911 and intervene with timely and appropriate action? Or would you like to learn that your suicidal child was made to wait while telephone calls were placed to managers at home for their approval to call 911? And, how can a manager who is not on site to assess the situation properly make a decision for what is needed at that moment? Folks, this is what we are dealing with at Rainbow Of Hope. This is not safe for the children.

Documented Neglect

The following comment was posted on our blog:

herekitty80231 said...

I know beyond a shadow of any doubt that on Wednesday April 29th between the hours of 5pm and 7 pm 2 of the residents from this ROH were meandering around Hamilton Mall unsupervised. Are the children supposed to be chaperoned? After the unsupervised children left the store where I was shopping a lady entered the store stating she was a counselor with ROH and inquired if the children had been in the store.

This individual has provided us with a sworn, signed affidavit.

Complaints By Children-Residents Continue Against Bridget Perez And Wayne Wilson

A parent informs us that counselors Bridget Perez and Wayne Wilson are shouting in an aggressive manner at their child-resident of Rainbow Of Hope. Trained, professional counselors should never raise their voice. They should attempt to provide a therapeutic rapport and set their own issues aside when dealing with the children. Perhaps some counselors have a problem with separating their own upbringings from those of the children they work with.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Rainbow Staff Admits Management Shows Favoritism To Certain Child-Residents

A parent of a child-resident at Rainbow Of Hope recently returned their child to the facility after a home visit. Another child-resident was witnessed acting out and the parent commented about this unruly behavior. A current staff member of Rainbow Of Hope stated that the acting-out child was "Lisa's pet" and virtually immune to discipline or consequence.

The particular child in question (who was acting out) was assessed and deemed "appropriate for the Rainbow Of Hope program" by Program Coordinator, Lisa Polite. The Rainbow Of Hope program is supposed to be a 6 - 9 month regimen. However, this particular child has now resided at the facility for over 1 full year. There have been no serious or effective efforts to discharge this particular child from Rainbow Of Hope.

The Rainbow Of Hope program operates on a "weather score" system and a colored plane system. Each child-resident earns points for his/her behavior throughout the day and is awarded a "weather score" based on the total of points. A child may earn one of the following classifications:

  • Stormy Day
  • Cloudy Day
  • Sunny Day
  • Blizzard

The "Blizzard" is supposed to be the ultimate punishment for bad behavior or violations of House rules. A "Blizzard" means the child-resident can't earn any additional points for the day. If a child-resident gets a "Blizzard", he/she must fill out a questionnaire and perform some kind of restitution to the House. Parents follow the same system when we bring our children home for visits.

It was said that this particular child who was acting out had been given multiple "Blizzards" by staff in the past, but Program Coordinator, Lisa Polite, overturned them. Not only does this weaken the authority of the staff, it also gives this particular child-resident the ability to act out and do what he wants because he knows he's protected by Lisa Polite's influence.

This is outrageous and unfair! Parents with legitimate concerns, who follow procedure and complain about Rainbow Of Hope's "Wild West" behavior have DYFS sicked on them by Lisa Polite! Meanwhile, she coddles, embraces, protects and mothers a particular child! She is single-handedly responsible for this child being there! She performed the hospital assessment, orchestrated the placement, and brought this child into Rainbow Of Hope. This is her personal "pet project". Rainbow Of Hope staff also admitted that this male child has been alone with Lisa Polite in her office on multiple occassions! Alone with her? It's grounds for dismissal from employment if a Rainbow Of Hope counselor is alone with a child-resident! Why and how is Lisa Polite above this policy?

This is a blatant display of management's abuse of power. Whereas they punish their staff for identical infractions, Lisa Polite and Kevin Cook continue to mock the system by doing as they please without penalty. Checkmate! We're calling you on your inappropriate and bad behavior!

Rainbow Of Hope Perpetuates A Lie

The registered, licensed Nurse at Rainbow Of Hope was harassed by Kevin Cook, Sam Totora and Lisa Polite, into quitting. Formal complaints of Sexual Harassment, Bullying In The Workplace, and Imbuement Of A Hostile Work Environment are currently before a Labor Attorney.

This Nurse was an Angel in the darkness. She provided a loving, caring and nurturing environment for the children. She provided a role of support, concern and absolute trust for the children-residents and for the parents who entrusted our children to her medical care. In the end, the children-residents respected, admired, and trusted her more than most Rainbow Of Hope counselors and management. She was a surroagte mother to the kids. And for some of the children at Rainbow Of Hope, this Nurse was the only mother they ever knew. She gave them hope (as in Rainbow of "Hope"). She made them smile. She provided them with opportunities to experience the joys of natural life that were taken away from them by being confined to the group home. She brought a mother's wisdom, comfort and guidance to the kids. She taught them that it's OK to be yourself, forge your own path and make your own way in this world. She spent hours of her own personal time investing in teaching them music and providing the means to participate in an in-house fashion show that boosted the kids' confidence and self-esteem. She called in multiple favors and outside resources from folks willing to provide assistance so that the child-residents of Rainbow Of Hope could feel great about themselves, if only for a fleeting moment. And for this, Kevin Cook, Lisa Polite, and Sam Totora hounded, harassed and made her tenure at Rainbow Of Hope a living hell. So much that she tendered her resignation because she could no longer stand the brutal debasement from mangement.

Yet now... almost one full month after her departure from Rainbow Of Hope, her name is still mentioned on the automated telephone system for Rainbow Of Hope as the Nurse. Some parents didn't know that Kevin Cook, Sam Totora and Lisa Polite harassed her into quitting. Some parents were wondering why she hadn't returned phone calls recently. It seems Rainbow Of Hope is comfortable with leaving her name on its automated telephone directory.

Or just maybe they haven't gotten around to removing her name from the automated system yet. After all... it seems it takes Rainbow Of Hope management quite some time to do important things... such as writing an incident report weeks after one child choked another until he turned blue.... interesting....

A Florida Marlins Baseball Star Working At Rainbow Of Hope? - Not Hardly!!!

Rainbow Of Hope counselor Stephan Turner has told the children-residents, some parents, and his coworkers that he dismissed an MLB Draft Offer to play for the Florida Marlins in order to help children by pursuing a career at Rainbow Of Hope.

This is absolute hogwash!!!
Our investigators have contacted the Deans of Athletics at Stephan's attended universites and have discovered that none ~ zero ~ zilch baseball players from these teams were ever offered a professional Draft Offer, contract or consignment deal by any professional team!

In fact, to date, NO college baseball player from the State of New Jersey has ever been drafted, contracted or signed to the MLB! Not one! Ever!!! So it seems there's another liar perpetuating falsehoods at Rainbow Of Hope other than Kevin Cook, Sam Totora and Lisa Polite!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Rainbow Of Hope Program Coordinator Retaliates Against A Parent

Our inside source revealed that the parent of a child-resident at Rainbow Of Hope filed a formal complaint against the facility with an agency known as Valu-Options. Valu-Options notified Rainbow Of Hope about the complaint. Rainbow Of Hope Program Coordinator, Lisa Polite, retaliated by filing a complaint with DYFS (Division of Youth and Family Services) against this parent.

This just goes to show that Rainbow Of Hope management has no problem with pulling out all the stoppers when it comes to concealing the truth. It seems that in order to deflect the serious nature of the parent's complaint, and in hopes of avoiding yet another investigation against the facility, it's easier to use high powered resources to intimidate those who complain. Yet another deplorable act by Rainbow Of Hope management to disguise the truth.

Criminal Background Checks

Criminal background checks are necessary for most mental health care related jobs. We know for a fact that prospective Rainbow Of Hope employees must undergo them. The question is, how often are these background checks performed? Is it done once only? Does management or Human Resources perform these checks periodically? Perhaps they should.

Our investigation has turned up something interesting. There is a counselor currently employed at Rainbow Of Hope named Bridget Perez. We have ascertained that she resided in Woodbine but has since relocated to the Millville/Vineland area.

On February 4, 2009, at 4:19 PM, the South Jersey News Online published the Millville Crime Log. The following appeared:

"รข€¢ Bridget M. Perez, 26, of Woodbine, was arrested Tuesday on two contempt warrants during a traffic stop initiated by state police. She was released on $525 bail after being taken to Millville police station."

Click on the South Jersey News Online website link here.

We are not certain that this is the same Bridget Perez employed at Rainbow Of Hope but our investigators will attempt to confirm this.

Our Campaign Goes Public!

We're happy to announce that we have publicized the current New Jersey State investigation of Rainbow Of Hope with the following sources:

Public Awareness is our key to change!

Monday, May 11, 2009

Television Media Alerted

In light of the active investigation being conducted by the Department of Institutional Abuse at Rainbow Of Hope, Philadelphia and local news agencies have been alerted. It is our goal to inform the public about the unsafe environment at Rainbow Of Hope in which its children-residents must live. It is also our goal to reveal the true nature of Rainbow Of Hope's hostile work environment and the plight of its former employees who strove to make a positive difference and were harassed by management into quitting or fired without appropriate cause. Names of the offenders of policy and those who have neglected their job duties, and in turn the children-residents, are mentioned openly here because documentation exists to support these claims. We invite any offender to add a comment here to deny or explain away their actions.

It is our sincere hope that this public campaign will enlighten people about the truth. We look forward to updating this blog with news from our next group meeting with an attorney on May 23. In the meantime we will update the blog with items of interest regarding Rainbow Of Hope and its lackluster professional performance.

Rainbow Of Hope manager Kevin Cook has been witnessed escalating the children-residents with pointed sarcasm and insults. Children-residents receive wages for performing chores at the group home facility. Kevin Cook has withheld the wages of certain children as punishment for certain behaviors. This means certain children-residents are not able to participate in shopping outings that they earn from showing positive behavior. Kevin Cook has also been witnessed shouting at a female child-resident who was escalated. Instead of therapeutically de-escalating this child, Cook was witnessed pointedly saying, "What's the matter with you, woman?! Huh, woman? What are you going to do, woman?!" When this instance is linked with Kevin Cook's remarks of a disparaging and sexually harassing nature to a female employee, we find an issue that needs to be professionally and appropriately addressed.

The children-residents tend to act out when they don't feel safe. Based on the number of New Jersey State Police Troopers and ambulances dispatched to Rainbow Of Hope over the past 10 months, it seems apparent something is gravely amiss with the operation of Rainbow Of Hope. Yet, an inside source informed us that Kevin Cook has recently coached his staff on how to write and prepare incident reports.

The children-residents deserve professional care. We hope this campaign will alert the proper authorities to making sure that happens at Rainbow Of Hope.


We're happy to report that another parent of a former child-resident of Rainbow Of Hope has joined our campaign! Welcome aboard!

More From Our Inside Source

More News And History About Rainbow Of Hope

The following are documented disturbing facts:

  • In the earlier part of this decade, Rainbow Of Hope employed a counselor who was eventually fired for sleeping on the job. Investigation revealed that this particular counselor was a suspect for Accessory To Murder in Puerto Rico.
  • Rainbow Of Hope currently employs a counselor named Adrienne Gery who worked as a Behavioral Assistant for children in the community. A parent of a child in Rainbow Of Hope identified Adrienne Gery as the individual who practiced psycho-therapy on her child. The parent reports that there were no records indicating Adrienne Gery is a licensed psycho-therapist. When the parent confronted her with this information, Adrienne Gery picked up her bag and immediately left. Adrienne Gery has been witnessed sleeping on the job at Rainbow Of Hope and while working the night shift, she ignored her duties to supervise the children and instead went into the basement of the facility to workout on the exercise equipment.
  • In 2005, Rainbow Of Hope staff took the kids "Geocaching" in the woods between Weatherbee and Hunter's Mill Roads. According to New Jersey State Police Trooper Sean Day, "The group was unable to figure out how to work the GPS device, had no flashlights or survival gear and ventured so deep into the woods that they were lost and crawling in tangles and marshy areas." A rescue helicopter was dispatched to the site and a Rainbow Of Hope child-resident needed to be airlifted by the U.S. Coast Guard to the hospital to be treated for hypothermia. See article here: http://www.cachingcentral.com/?p=89
  • Counselor Bridget Perez invited a fomer child-resident of Rainbow Of Hope to live with her. This former child-resident may or may not still be residing with Bridget Perez.
  • A different employee claimed she was "going out to her car to grab a sweater". An hour later she pulled back into the parking lot!
  • Counselor Bridget Perez had an unidentified visitor who rang the doorbell of the residential facility. Instead of supervising the children she stood outside talking to this person for almost an hour.
  • Counselor Wayne Wilson made an open threatening statement in front of witnesses to the effect that: "If management pisses me off, they're gonna see my Black side. And nobody wants to see that!"
  • A Rainbow Of Hope counselor was arrested and charged with illegally using a child-resident's insurance cards to pick up false prescriptions for controlled substances. This counselor was selling the medication.

Other Points Of Interest

A parent reported that when she returned her child from a home visit, counselor Bridget Perez "frisked" the child and "patted him down" to make sure he wasn't bringing contraband into the home. Many of the children-residents have suffered severe sexual abuse and the counselors at Rainbow Of Hope have no rights whatsoever to place their hands on a child. This demeaning "pat-down" was performed in front of another parent who was also returning her child to the facility after a visit. The other child was not frisked or patted down.

Manager Kevin Cook violated the HIPAA (the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) statutes by inviting numerous unscreened guests to the Rainbow Of Hope facility to witness a bell choir concert performed by the children-residents. This violation is by Kevin Cook's admission that any staff member who brings a visitor to the facility (such as Bridget Perez's late night caller) is inviolation of the HIPAA statutes.

Manager Kevin Cook violated the HIPPA statutes again by allowing numerous unscreened guests to attend a Fashion Show hosted by the children-residents. Kevin Cook announced it was a violation for anyone to "take photographs of the children" yet the agency Psychiatrist took numerous personal photographs of the children without the slightest admonishment from Kevin Cook.

Counselor Krisitn Perone was witnessed giving personal cards to the children-residents. Something seemingly innocent as this act is considered by Rainbow Of Hope to be a "boundary issue" and is forbidden by policy. Kristin Perone reported coworkers for similar acts. However, when Kristin Perone was reported, nothing was done by management to rectify the errant behavior.

The Rainbow's End

If your child suffers from emotional, behavioral or psychological issues, hospitalization may be the first step to a healthy recovery. But often times the hospital recommends that your child is temporarily placed in a therapeutic residential youth facility to stabilize his or her recovery. Most residential youth facilities provide a therapeutic environment along with a professional staff. But not all of them...

The purpose of this blog is to educate families in New Jersey who are dealing with a child who suffers from emotional, behavioral and/or psychological issues. There is a particular residential facility in southern New Jersey called Rainbow Of Hope (ROH) that appears to offer a therapeutic environment. However, as this blog will illustrate, this facility is lacking in multiple areas.

This blog is being generated and maintained by parents who made the mistake of entrusting the care of their children to Rainbow of Hope, as well as mental health care workers and licensed medical professionals. This blog serves to educate and inform people of the truth about this facility rather than the "smoke and mirrors".

It is worthwhile to note that ABC, CBS, NBC and Fox television news services have been made aware of the goings-on at Rainbow Of Hope. The Atlantic City Press has also been notified. Multiple-Party complaints have been lodged against Rainbow Of Hope with the offices of Institutional Abuse, Child Behavioral Management (Trenton), NJ-Abuse, Valu-Options, and the Offices of State Assembly Men Van Drew and Lobiondo. The matter is also being reviewed by 2 attorneys.

What Are The Complaints?

A parent arrived at the facility to pick up their child for a community outing. The parent observed Rainbow Of Hope staff sleeping and playing games on their cell phones rather than properly and professionally supervising the children. The child reported to the parent that another child in the group home had choked him until he turned blue during a previous episode of lack of proper supervision.

A female staff counselor was overheard telling a child, "I'm not in the mood for your shit today. I swear to God, if you start your shit today, I'll punch you in your fucking grill." ("Grill" is a slang term for "mouth") This same counselor was observed putting her hands on the child in a manner that wrenched his arm.

In March 2009, the State of New Jersey inspected the Rainbow Of Hope facility. The children complained about 2 particular counselors to the State Inspector. The complaints referenced the above incident as well as those 2 particular counselors making physical, verbal and emotional threats against the children. The State Inspector inquired about these complaints and was told by Rainbow Of Hope management that those 2 counselors were "strict" and therefore the complaints had no merit. They were not pursued at the time. They are being pursued now.

Before the March 2009 State Inspection, management coached staff about what to say to the inspectors and what not to say.

Numerous parents of the children in the facility have observed Rainbow Of Hope staff sleeping, playing video games, talking and texting on their personal cell phones and in back offices surfing the internet instead of properly supervising the children.

The manager of the Rainbow Of Hope facility does not hold a college degree in psychology, psychiatry or social work. There were witnesses present when he made remarks of a derogatory and sexually harassing nature to a female employee. He made disparaging remarks about the female employee's body and made jokes about her menopausal hot flashes. This employee complained to the manager's supervisor. The manager's supervisor was witnessed when he responded to her: "You need to relax and learn how to take a joke."

The manager has been witnessed outright lying to staff, parents, medical professionals, the children-residents and his supervisor.

An employee who suffered a Brown Recluse spider bite was told by the manager that he could only leave work to go to the Emergency Room for treatment, "Once he found coverage for his shift." The employee, suffering mild disorientation from the venomous bite and suffering from swelling, pain and discoloration as the venom progressed through his system, was forced to telephone other employees until someone was found to come in and work. This employee then drove himself to the hospital, had the bite area lanced and drained and received IV antibiotics. Management told this employee he had to come back to work immediately upon discharge from the Emergency Room. Medical documentation and witnesses verify this.

Public records prove an extremely high volume of State Police and ambulance dispatches to the Rainbow Of Hope facility.

Staff employees dispense controlled substances and psychiatric medications to the children-residents without the supervision of a licensed medical professional.

Reverse racial discrimination against employees. Employees who are Caucasian and over the age of 40 are mercilessly hounded and harassed by management. Evidence of harassment has been documented and forwarded to investigators.

The Rainbow Of Hope manager and his supervisor threatened a licensed professional nurse when she tendered her resignation. They were witnessed telling her, "If you have any contact with the parents of these kids or staff, we'll call the Medical Board and have your nursing licensed revoked!" This is an obvious attempt by management to conceal the truth about what goes on inside the Rainbow Of Hope facility.

An affidavit written by a retail store manager at the Hamilton Mall has been notarized, signed and forwarded to investigators testifying to the fact that two Rainbow Of Hope children were in her store without staff supervision. The manager learned of this only when the staff member entered the store, announced to an employee where she worked and told the manager she was "looking for two of the kids".

The above is the tip of the iceberg in the complaints against Rainbow Of Hope. Management has allowed its staff to turn the place into a high school mentality recess yard. The staff are not attentive to the needs of the children and as a result, they place the safety, security and well being of these children in grave jeopardy.

This blog will be updated with additional complaints as well as the progress of the investigation.