Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Rainbow of Hope Management and Staff Fails Again

We have learned of a new and disgusting development of Rainbow of Hope "management" and Staff that has allegedly led to the great harm of another child-resident of this poorly overseen facility. At this time we have been asked to not disclose details in order that we don't hamper the investigation of professional law enforcement. Perhaps it's better we don't mention details so that we don't give Kevin Cook, Lisa Polite and Sam Totora the opportunity to make up stories and sweep this incident under the rug as they are so conveniently known to do.


We're happy to report that our lawsuits against Rainbow of Hope are moving forward! We hit some snags and delays in uncovering State Investigation information but we're happy to announce that we've obtained the necessary information and documents to advance our collective case against Rainbow of Hope "management" and select staff members, as well as the Cape Counseling Services entity! Our voice will be heard!!

Rainbow of Hope continues to operate under sub-standard management and poor staff supervision. It is our goal to correct the many flaws within the program or have the State of New Jersey recognize that it needs to be closed down.

More information will soon follow! Thanks for your world-wide support!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010


It's been almost 9 months since we've updated this blog. Rainbow Of Hope in Woodbine, NJ, has gone to extreme lengths to control and censor the truth about its operations and the impact its delirious decisions of "management" have had on its Child Residents and their families. However, a current Child Resident spoke with us during a recent home visit and told us exactly what is happening at Rainbow Of Hope. Sadly, nothing has changed.

The Child Resident naturally fears realistic consequences from Rainbow Of Hope Staff and "management" for being critical of the so-called program, so therefore we will only refer to this Child Resident as "A". The following is from a recorded transcript that has been forwarded to appropriate investigating authorities:

ROH Exposed: Can you describe your stay at Rainbow Of Hope?

"A": It's pretty bad. The staff doesn't care about you. They're only there for the paycheck. When my friends and me have an issue or crisis, staff laughs at us and calls us "babies" and stuff. Like, what I'm going through is real, you know? But the staff doesn't care. It's like it's nothing to them. They get to go home every night. But like, we're stuck there. With staff who are rude and curse at us and stuff.

ROH Exposed: Curse at you? Don't care about you? Can you give us some examples?

"A": Sure. Like there's this one staff that's always on his cellphone and stuff. It's like a huge friggin' deal to ask him for anything. He's lazy. I wanted conditioner for my hair one night and he was like, "You been a bitch today so f*#k it. You ain't getting no conditioner". And like, he said that while texting on his phone.

Then there was like this time when one of my friends was in total crisis and freaking out and staff said, "If you don't knock this f*#king shit off, you ain't gonna go on the outing!" Like who gives a crap about an outing? A friend was like freaking out and staff didn't care. They just threatened her.

We'll be in our rooms at night and staff will be doing points to see who makes level. Like, if you make level you get more privileges and stuff. Staff will be like, "Take points from so-and-so because he/she is a bitch." We hear this crap! We're not deaf!

ROH Exposed: Have you mentioned any of this to management?

"A": Yeah! Like that does any good! Staff and management are together on all this. It's like all us kids are liars because we have issues. Nobody listens to us. The manager of the program is a friggin' joke. It's like they all stick together and lie all the time.

ROH Exposed: ("A's" Guardian agrees with this and interjects:) "We've caught the program manager of Rainbow Of Hope in numerous lies. There's absolutely no consistency in what the manager, therapist, coordinator or nurse tell us. It's like nobody knows what's going on there. If I have a concern or question, weeks go by before someone returns my phone call and it always sounds like some kind of hokey rehearsed reply. I feel certain this place has fooled invesitgators in the past because I know and have seen what goes on there.

ROH Exposed: Is staff attentive to your needs and does management take steps to correct or remedy problems you bring to their attention?

"A": No. Staff is either sleeping, texting on their phones, playing games on their phones, watching TV or sometimes sleeping. Management doesn't care. They simply don't bleieve us when we complain.

So in summary, it would appear Rainbow Of Hope in Woodbine, NJ continues to fail as a well managed business and falls short of a safe environment for its Child Residents.

We're also pleased to have acquired two new sources of current information at Rainbow Of Hope who have agreed to supply us with updates for the vital continuation of our blog.