Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Rainbow Staff Admits Management Shows Favoritism To Certain Child-Residents

A parent of a child-resident at Rainbow Of Hope recently returned their child to the facility after a home visit. Another child-resident was witnessed acting out and the parent commented about this unruly behavior. A current staff member of Rainbow Of Hope stated that the acting-out child was "Lisa's pet" and virtually immune to discipline or consequence.

The particular child in question (who was acting out) was assessed and deemed "appropriate for the Rainbow Of Hope program" by Program Coordinator, Lisa Polite. The Rainbow Of Hope program is supposed to be a 6 - 9 month regimen. However, this particular child has now resided at the facility for over 1 full year. There have been no serious or effective efforts to discharge this particular child from Rainbow Of Hope.

The Rainbow Of Hope program operates on a "weather score" system and a colored plane system. Each child-resident earns points for his/her behavior throughout the day and is awarded a "weather score" based on the total of points. A child may earn one of the following classifications:

  • Stormy Day
  • Cloudy Day
  • Sunny Day
  • Blizzard

The "Blizzard" is supposed to be the ultimate punishment for bad behavior or violations of House rules. A "Blizzard" means the child-resident can't earn any additional points for the day. If a child-resident gets a "Blizzard", he/she must fill out a questionnaire and perform some kind of restitution to the House. Parents follow the same system when we bring our children home for visits.

It was said that this particular child who was acting out had been given multiple "Blizzards" by staff in the past, but Program Coordinator, Lisa Polite, overturned them. Not only does this weaken the authority of the staff, it also gives this particular child-resident the ability to act out and do what he wants because he knows he's protected by Lisa Polite's influence.

This is outrageous and unfair! Parents with legitimate concerns, who follow procedure and complain about Rainbow Of Hope's "Wild West" behavior have DYFS sicked on them by Lisa Polite! Meanwhile, she coddles, embraces, protects and mothers a particular child! She is single-handedly responsible for this child being there! She performed the hospital assessment, orchestrated the placement, and brought this child into Rainbow Of Hope. This is her personal "pet project". Rainbow Of Hope staff also admitted that this male child has been alone with Lisa Polite in her office on multiple occassions! Alone with her? It's grounds for dismissal from employment if a Rainbow Of Hope counselor is alone with a child-resident! Why and how is Lisa Polite above this policy?

This is a blatant display of management's abuse of power. Whereas they punish their staff for identical infractions, Lisa Polite and Kevin Cook continue to mock the system by doing as they please without penalty. Checkmate! We're calling you on your inappropriate and bad behavior!

Rainbow Of Hope Perpetuates A Lie

The registered, licensed Nurse at Rainbow Of Hope was harassed by Kevin Cook, Sam Totora and Lisa Polite, into quitting. Formal complaints of Sexual Harassment, Bullying In The Workplace, and Imbuement Of A Hostile Work Environment are currently before a Labor Attorney.

This Nurse was an Angel in the darkness. She provided a loving, caring and nurturing environment for the children. She provided a role of support, concern and absolute trust for the children-residents and for the parents who entrusted our children to her medical care. In the end, the children-residents respected, admired, and trusted her more than most Rainbow Of Hope counselors and management. She was a surroagte mother to the kids. And for some of the children at Rainbow Of Hope, this Nurse was the only mother they ever knew. She gave them hope (as in Rainbow of "Hope"). She made them smile. She provided them with opportunities to experience the joys of natural life that were taken away from them by being confined to the group home. She brought a mother's wisdom, comfort and guidance to the kids. She taught them that it's OK to be yourself, forge your own path and make your own way in this world. She spent hours of her own personal time investing in teaching them music and providing the means to participate in an in-house fashion show that boosted the kids' confidence and self-esteem. She called in multiple favors and outside resources from folks willing to provide assistance so that the child-residents of Rainbow Of Hope could feel great about themselves, if only for a fleeting moment. And for this, Kevin Cook, Lisa Polite, and Sam Totora hounded, harassed and made her tenure at Rainbow Of Hope a living hell. So much that she tendered her resignation because she could no longer stand the brutal debasement from mangement.

Yet now... almost one full month after her departure from Rainbow Of Hope, her name is still mentioned on the automated telephone system for Rainbow Of Hope as the Nurse. Some parents didn't know that Kevin Cook, Sam Totora and Lisa Polite harassed her into quitting. Some parents were wondering why she hadn't returned phone calls recently. It seems Rainbow Of Hope is comfortable with leaving her name on its automated telephone directory.

Or just maybe they haven't gotten around to removing her name from the automated system yet. After all... it seems it takes Rainbow Of Hope management quite some time to do important things... such as writing an incident report weeks after one child choked another until he turned blue.... interesting....

A Florida Marlins Baseball Star Working At Rainbow Of Hope? - Not Hardly!!!

Rainbow Of Hope counselor Stephan Turner has told the children-residents, some parents, and his coworkers that he dismissed an MLB Draft Offer to play for the Florida Marlins in order to help children by pursuing a career at Rainbow Of Hope.

This is absolute hogwash!!!
Our investigators have contacted the Deans of Athletics at Stephan's attended universites and have discovered that none ~ zero ~ zilch baseball players from these teams were ever offered a professional Draft Offer, contract or consignment deal by any professional team!

In fact, to date, NO college baseball player from the State of New Jersey has ever been drafted, contracted or signed to the MLB! Not one! Ever!!! So it seems there's another liar perpetuating falsehoods at Rainbow Of Hope other than Kevin Cook, Sam Totora and Lisa Polite!


  1. Excellent job! I read about this on!! Great job at exposing the horrors of a local facility! I'll help spread the word!!!

  2. Thes people need to be brought to justice or fired. Congrats on being brave and taking a stand. the whole mental health system is messed up! This proves it!

  3. Just woke up and read about this on the Family Forums Mental Health Care board! Kudos on exposing this fraud!

  4. When my daughter was in Carrier Clinic, she was offered Rainbow of Hope, Robin's Nest and Ranch Hope for Girls in Blackwood, NJ as the next level of care in making her better. When I called & spoke to the program director, all of the answers sounded "right" but it didn't feel "right". As a result, she went elsewhere. Now I think I know why things didn't seem right. This place needs to be cleaned up or closed!
