Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Public Awareness

There's more than one way to bring public awareness to bad behavior. In fact there are several ways. We've taken it upon ourselves to contact other youth residential facilities across the country and have queried the staff and managers about how they handle situations equal to those that have taken place at Rainbow Of Hope. The results were astounding. It seems most youth residential facilities have airtight policies and procedures in place. And even more interesting, these policies and procedures don't change on a daily basis according to the whims and fancies of management. A recurring theme we gained from all our queries is that these other youth residential facilities apply their states' requirements with inflexible loyalty. They were more than happy to peruse this blog and offer insight, suggestions and constructive criticism on how Rainbow Of Hope might improve as a youth residential facility. Another recurring theme after reviewing this blog was that Rainbow Of Hope needs to be addressed by governing agencies or... shut down.

The managers and staff we spoke to at other youth residential facilities openly stated they "couldn't believe" claims like those made on this blog could actually be substantiated. However, we faxed them documentation and in a few cases, played recorded telephone messages for them during our calls. The fact eventually resigned to was that deplorable conditions of abuse and neglect DO exist in many youth residential facilities. The opposing spectrum here is that the professional facilities take active steps to correct these problems with the assistance of external agencies. They use training, seminars and information providers to update, correct and proactively mend these deplorable conditions. We're left to surmise that Rainbow Of Hope hasn't sought these professional remedies because its management is too ashamed to let outside agencies see the place for what it truly is.

Most of the other agencies we spoke with admitted to having a tight method of screening for employees. Rainbow Of Hope has certainly let some "doozies" in. Its management also has a flavorful policy for running off and firing the only employees we could get straight, honest answers from. DP, AW, PH, CR, BS and CW are a few... But then again, when we were dumbfounded and shocked by the shovels of crap being slung at us by Totora, Cook and Polite, we KNEW we could get the truth from the conscientious people listed (by initials) above. Rainbow Of Hope is a dog-and-pony, smoke-and-mirrors show hosted by Totora, Cook and Polite. Each one of them knows in their hearts and minds that they've outright lied to us and ignored us. We can prove this beyond any shadow of doubt. Do they truly care about our kids? Or are our kids just commodities that make money for them while they're in the Rainbow Of Hope program? They certainly don't seem to care about our kids once they leave that program, so let's just leave "care" out of the equation. They don't care enough to discharge a kid with enough medication to get by on. They don't care enough to follow up with transitioning a child to outside care. They don't care enough to adhere to New Jersey State requirements.

But then there's us. And WE CARE. Let Rainbow Of Hope stand as its own entity out there. The managers and staff of professional youth residential facilities are laughing at Rainbow Of Hope and making sarcastic comments about the place. Rainbow Of Hope hasn't seen professional and able management since its former manager retired. We'll be contacting her soon enough. We'd like her comments about watching seemingly inept "managers" tear down everything she worked so hard to build...

It's hard to believe that things like this have been happening at Rainbow Of Hope for almost a full year now. What Rainbow Of Hope managers and Cape Counseling Services CEOs seem to ignore is that some of us currently own and manage businesses. Some of us have owned and managed businesses in the past too. We're fully aware that even a pizzeria has to conform to state, federal and local business laws for operation. Capitalism has formal methods in place for the successful and professional operation of businesses. But then again, wasn't it Kevin Cook who smiled broadly when one of the children-residents jokingly referred to him as a "dictator"? Wasn't it Kevin Cook himself who was witnessed by staff as he referred to himself as a dictator? Yes it is, folks. But history has shown that all dictators get toppled. We're also left shaking our heads at how immature Cook's statement is. But that's what usually happens when you put a young and inexperienced man in charge of something. You get a lot of talk and even more mistakes. We're not unwise or ignorant to what's required to maintain a business. What was Cape Counseling Services thinking???

Our evidence collection is progressing well. We're still waiting on a few individuals to complete their tasks. When all the information is gathered we'll advance the lawsuits.

We encourage you to take 5 minutes to watch this video by clicking here.

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