Thursday, June 18, 2009

The Investigations Continue

We're confident that the investigators currently examining Rainbow Of Hope will see the truth behind the dog-and-pony show. The children-residents are speaking the truth. The most recent interview contained stark truth and investigators must be willing to "look behind the curtain" so to speak.

It seems the testimony reflected that a certain counselor continues to talk on his personal cell phone (which is against Rainbow Of Hope written policy) and continues to play games on said phone and watch television rather than supervise the children. It seems when the children-residents muster the nerve to admit they're having thoughts of self-harm or suicide, Lisa Polite laughs about it with the counselors. By God... what is going ON in Woodbine? We only hope that our legal intervention will take place before a child seriously hurts himself/herself because the management and counselors don't take the concerns of the kids seriously.

The "managers" (and we use that term VERY lightly) at Rainbow Of Hope are "concerned about the allegations" made on this blog. Let's get something perfectly straight. These are not "allegations". These are substantiated complaints. Each has documentation, eyewitness testimony and/or a certified affidavit accompanying it. We have proven multiple violations on behalf of Rainbow Of Hope to several attorneys. We have been informed that we have serious (and multiple) cases against Rainbow Of Hope and Cape Counseling Services.

There are too many people with similar complaints against Rainbow Of Hope. Parents, former residents, former employees, casual observers... heck, even delivery personnel who couldn't believe what they witnessed on location. We suppose Cook, Totora and Polite would like us all to believe this blog is a "conspiracy theory" at best. Well, it isn't. Yet Cook enjoys his feeble attempts at isolating families in an attempt to find out what we know about this blog. The blog shouldn't be Cook's primary concern. The safety, welfare and supervision of our children should be his primary concern. But obviously it isn't. Had it been, this blog would never have been generated in the first place.


  1. I wonder who this counselor is you are talking about, that is very sad to read about how these counselors are abusing this kids, what is being done about this?

    please keep me informed

  2. what counselor is doing this i know someone who can put a stop to this... please inform me with more information

  3. Thank you for your interest in helping to put an end to this horrendous unprofessional behavior. You may rest assured that the names of the offending individuals have been forwarded to the appropriate parties and proper authorities.
