Saturday, July 11, 2009

New Developments

It seems Cape Counseling Services has greatly misinterpreted the intentions of this blog. We harbor no thoughts or intentions of causing anyone physical harm. How many times must we reiterate the intention of this blog? This blog serves as a voice for the kids, staff and parents who complained about numerous issues and who were ignored by management. Our combined purpose is to see that the children-residents of Rainbow Of Hope are safe.

We have been informed by Law Enforcement and Legal Counsel that we are well within our rights to freely post our opinions and information on this blog. We will continue to do so until the problems at Rainbow Of Hope are corrected.

As per last week's investigation, it appears Rainbow Of Hope was caught in a lie with the Rutgers University Cooperative Extension. It also appears that parents are receiving bills for medications and there's a new question over a "No-Contact Order" enforced by Rainbow Of Hope that no one from DYFS or the Prosecutor's Office seems to know anything about. This coming week should hold interesting developments.

The blog has also received a number of hostile contributions that are being reviewed, stored and monitored.

We can certainly add that everyone can relax and feel at ease. This blog is being generated to call attention to what seems to be questionable business practices on behalf of Rainbow Of Hope. There are no personal agendas or vendettas at work here and no physical harm is intended toward any individual. This is all about business. Businesses must adhere to state and federal guidelines. Sometimes businesses make the mistake of implementing policies that conflict with standard protocol for operation and when they do, they must be held accountable. That's what this about. Making sure Rainbow Of Hope conforms with state and federal guidelines to make certain the children are safe.

1 comment:

  1. The children will be safe now that people like you are not around them any longer, promising them lies (example: I am going to adopt you) or making racial comments (example: them Jews got what the deserve). Another reason the kids will be safe is that crazy angel of darkness nurse is not around. She was aways putting the kids in danger (example: leaving the meds unattended while they were in the room, taking the kids to her home, making racial comments... to many to mention). Sure the kids will not be harm any longer those two people no longer working for ROH!!!
