Thursday, July 30, 2009

More Deplorable Behavior From Rainbow Of Hope

Recently several sad and deplorable posts were made on this blog by a Rainbow Of Hope employee hiding behind the fictitious name of "Susan". The first post has been stored in our archive for future use but we didn't publish it as it had no point nor did it relate to the context of this blog. It was a short little rant in which we the authors were called "drunks".

The second post is worth publishing as it demonstrates malice and highlights the lack of personal integrity and professionalism associated with this Rainbow Of Hope employee. This post reads as follows:

susan said...

The children will be safe now that people like you are not around them any longer, promising them lies (example: I am going to adopt you) or making racial comments (example: them Jews got what the deserve). Another reason the kids will be safe is that crazy angel of darkness nurse is not around. She was aways putting the kids in danger (example: leaving the meds unattended while they were in the room, taking the kids to her home, making racial comments... to many to mention). Sure the kids will not be harm any longer those two people no longer working for ROH!!!

The above grammatical nightmare and public demonstration of substandard paragraph formation is inflammatory, malicious, and slanderous. Our issues remain with the business infractions committed by Rainbow Of Hope yet the employees of this "Cape Counseling Services" agency choose to respond in the above manner. So once again we're left shaking our heads and asking... "Just where is the professionalism of the Rainbow Of Hope Staff and Management?"

Interestingly, it has been the Rainbow Of Hope Staff that has posted racial comments and obscene, hateful personal statements on this blog. This blog is being examined by Law Enforcement, lawyers, State Agencies, investigators, television and newspaper media, and politicians. By all means - continue to post these kinds of messages so that everyone can see you. In our opinion (and in many other opinions), you're not portraying a professional image for quality mental health care with rants, insults, accusations and curse words.

Anyway... on to important things....

6 months ago a child-resident of Rainbow Of Hope complained about an alleged sexual assault that took place at school. The school promptly and professionally followed up on the complaint, reported it to the proper authorities and notified Rainbow Of Hope. As it seems at this point, Rainbow Of Hope did nothing about it. In fact, the parents of this child-resident just learned about this complaint 6 months later! Rainbow Of Hope apparently did not notify the police, DYFS or the parents! Upon learning about this the parents asked Rainbow Of Hope if their child could speak with a representative of CARA (Coalition Against Rape and Abuse) but Rainbow Of Hope management apparently stated "they weren't sure". Furthermore, Lisa Polite told one of the parents that "the allegation probably stems from previous trauma". Probably???? That assessment seems to lack professionalism and attention to a serious matter. Rainbow Of Hope should "probably" look into this...

And now we move on to the last item of the day. It seems August 7th will feature a Rainbow Of Hope "Cook-Off" from 4:00pm - 8:00pm. Parents and employees are encouraged to attend and bring a guest! Sounds like a great time for everyone! But... when the former nurse (yes... that eloquently labeled "crazy angel of darkness") hosted fashion shows, campfires and uplifting activities for the child-residents that made them smile and gave them a sense of esteem and self-respect... Kevin Cook called them HIPAA VIOLATIONS! Interesting, isn't it? Then again, there has never been any consistency at Rainbow Of Hope and chances are... there never will be.

1 comment:

  1. you know, i disagree with the comment made. they are not safer, but now hopeless. yes, staff has made unrealistic and possible false realities for these children, but in good heart. surely i don't agree with it, but definitely don't patronize someone for their humor and heart. also, the angel of darkness happens to be one the most highly qualified nurses i have met and definitely deserves something more than the slander shown above. please, respect my opinion, it's valuable.
